Welcome to Scorpio Season Witches.
(October 23-November 21)
Scorpio is broken down into 3 phases or totems, the Scorpion, the Eagle and the Phoenix. Each of these symbols breaks down a different evolution of the sign.
The Scorpion is the youth of the sign. They aren’t looking for trouble but will lash out if attacked with the ability to sting their aggressors and themselves. Most times the scorpion gets blamed for the destruction even if they didn’t start the fight because they fight to the death. They are very protective of their ego and shyer and more guarded in this stage.
The Eagle is the more evolved version of the sign seeing from above, they are more apt to see different perspectives and not lash out as their less evolved selves would but instead now either manipulate or help others in need based on their judgement of that person.
The final most evolved version of Scorpio is the Phoenix. The Phoenix rises from the ashes a new, with the ability to be compassionate and empathic. These creatures now not only see philosophy and higher perspectives like the Eagle, but they see things without judgement and the need to control a person or a situation.
The sigil or glyph of Scorpio is an M with the tail of the M sticking out. The M is said to be representative of medicine, just like in the glyph of Virgo, but with the tail sticking out, indicative of the medicine found within the sign of Scorpio having to do with the interaction with others, verses with Virgo, the medicine coming from ones’ own self, power and knowledge. The sign of Scorpio’s power comes from the interactions with the Other, either in good or evil, the power of this sign involves energies from the outside. This could give way for manipulation or the immense ability to hold and help another.
The Witch in its name, like the sign of Scorpio, has gotten a terrible and very much misplaced definition and understanding of what its full spectrum truly holds. For this and other reasons that will be further noted, the Witch and Scorpio are very much correlated.
For centuries everyone has been afraid of the Witch.
But why?
First, we need to explore what actually is a “WITCH” and then why would one be afraid of such an archetype?
According to Merriam Webster’s Dictionary a Witch “is a person, now especially a woman, who professes or is supposed to practice magic or sorcery; a sorceress.”
With this now we ask, what is magic?
The definition again from MW Dictionary “the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces”.
Hmm, ok so like intuition?
That thing that a woman is supposed to have? I believe they call it a woman’s intuition. Why a woman’s intuition though? We all have intuition, or what’s that other invisible thing? Oh! Empathy, compassion, or intrinsic knowing?
If these are the definitions we have, it is clear the mystery and the power mystery has, is what cultivates the fear of magic and the Witch archetype. The more intuitive and aligned with divinity, like through the cycles of nature one was, the more “witchy” you were said to be.
So, let me get this straight, if you PAID ATTENTION to the things God, the Universe or whatever you believe, created like the cycles of the moon, the seasons of the year, the cycles of life and death and birth and the emotions of those around you, you were considered a Witch, a bad seed, a woman to be hanged?
That doesn’t seem right.
That seems like condemnation.
That seems like someone or some group saw the power + freedom in being a sovereign woman or person who had so much belief in The Divine and God without needing organization or any regulation except for their own intuitive guidance, as a threat. But a threat to what?
This seems like a “scorpion moment.” When the scorpion is minding their own business and then they are hunted and taunted and when they defend themselves they are the ones being blamed for the evil.
Again, that just doesn’t seem correct.
A woman or person who could help delivery a baby or guide an elder to their final passage or create a recipe that will help heal an illness because of their ability to pay attention to cycles and what they see and experience around them with their own senses doesn’t make any sense to condemn.
It does make them powerful, because they have this beautiful relationship with the mysterious. And with that we come back to why and who that is threatening to..
Any person who does not understand or have their own relationship to nature and divinity and someone who wants to control YOUR relationship with the Great Mystery.
So, with all this being said, it is very much apparent why women who were considered “witches” were considered a threat and gone after, because of the personal POWER they possessed and their ability to use their power in interaction with THE OTHER. Healing, medicine, love, sex, death, birth, it all had to do with dynamics adjacent to THE OTHER. And the ones that were called witches seemed to KNOW things about the ‘Great Mystery’ while being able to help others, this giving the Witches great power over the less aware. The power lies in the knowledge that they had of the mysteries of life and death, birth and love and sex. What was hard to attain had value because people believed they couldn’t get these answers without the help of the Witch, but the Witch knew this wasn’t true.
These women or people weren’t afraid of the dark. They understood that they were the dark and that in the dark and quiet lied the whispers of The Divine. That one must see what lies in the dark is only scary if not brought to light for it hasn’t been fully examined in the bright of day. Once it is examined it isn’t as shadowy. Like a pile of clothes in the corner of your room, in the dark it beckons to be yielded with caution for maybe it is a dark force ready to suck your soul, but turn the light on and it is just a pile of dingy clothes.
Same goes for the skeletons that live in your closet. It seems so horrible because you are looking at it sideways through the crack, peering into the dark closet. Once the shadow hits the light it no longer holds the same power.
This is all very correlated to the sign of Scorpio.
Scorpio is the still dark water. You cannot see what lies beneath the surface. What you CAN see is your own reflection. That is what the archetype of Scorpio and the Witch is meant to do. It is meant to help you see yourself better, more clear than you could on your own. It is like going to a psychologist. They help you dig out what lies buried in your shadow, hard for you yourself to see, and in doing so you never learn anything about the psychologist, they still remain a mystery while you learn more about yourself. Same for the Witch, you go to them with a problem or in need of help and they help you but you leave with no knowledge of them. Scorpio energy believes that knowledge is power and the more you know about the OTHER the more power you have over them but if you give the Other nothing then they will never have power over you.
The Witch is a sorceress, an alchemist. Taking something that lies in the dark and transforming it into something that can shed so much light in this world. This is how working with the shadow plays out.
+You find something in the dark.
+It’s dingy and hard to make out because its covered in gunk and cobwebs from being hidden for so long but once you shine light onto it, drag it out into the open and work on it a little bit it is transformed into something better, like lead into gold, like a Phoenix from the ashes.
We all have this power we just have to be brave enough to step into the dark, brave enough not to condemn others for their shadows so we can be brave enough to work on our own. We have to be wise enough to know that we have the connection to the divine and we need not seek outside of ourselves to find magic because we are the magic we seek.
Many moons, many blessings xo